Tuesday, January 15, 2013

WPF FolderBrowserDialog and DialogResult.OK error

Have you ever tried to display the FolderBrowserDialog in a WPF application to browse for a folder? And have you ever looked at the official examples and wondered why you got an error saying something with Nullable and that DialogResult.OK does not exist?

DialogResult result = fb.ShowDialog();

if (result == DialogResult.OK)
 String folderName = fb.SelectedPath;
It's because there are two DialogResult classes. There is System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult:
And there is System.Windows.Window.DialogResult:
In our WPF application, it tries to use the latter, which leads to the error. The solution is, use the full path, like so:
DialogResult result = fb.ShowDialog();

if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
 String folderName = fb.SelectedPath;
This works!

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